I love kids.  Everyone that knows me, knows this about me.  Little people are my people.  We have this profound level of understanding; they get me, I get them.  I don't have children of my own yet, but I have played a role in helping raise many, many children.  There are multiple kids that I would lay down my life for, just like their parents would.  So although I don't have biological children, I have adopted children that I love as if they were my own.  Because of this, I feel like the following is not being said out of ignorance or lack of experience:  

Sometimes, kids are assholes.

I'm well aware that I didn't give my parents any breaks while growing up.  I cut my brothers baby curls off, tried to iron my other brother (the iron was plugged in, on and HOT), I put 3 daycare ladies out of business, I had to be trapped in my crib, I ran away, I threw tantrums, I broke things.....  Yes, I was an asshole.  But most kids are.  They go through this phase where they can't help it.  Their hormones go all wonky and they become brainwashed.  Are they guilty?  Yes.  Do they feel badly about it?  Yes.  Will they play it off like they could care less about the consequences of their actions?  Yes.  And 99% of the time, that's ok.  I would even go so far as to say it's normal.  Because 99% of the time they actually regret what they did.  That's how they learn.  Really, it's the only way they learn--by making mistakes and having to fix them.

Then there is the other 1%.  There are the kids that don't learn.  There are the kids that don't think.  There are the kids that are just plain awful.  Those are the kids that break my heart the most.  They have this opportunity to be normal assholes like the rest of their peers, but instead, they go above and beyond and get themselves into so much trouble that it could affect the rest of their lives.  These are the kids I pity because these are the kids I believe will truly not grow out of it.  They won't ever be "okay".  It makes me sad because what kind of life do they have at home?  How do they learn how to take being a normal teenage asshole to a new level?  They usually learn it from their parents or their big brothers or sisters. I can't help but wonder "what if they witnessed something else growing up?  What if they had a better example?  What would these kids grow up to become?  Doctors?  Lawyers? The President?"  But instead, here they are, making huge mistakes that ruin their chances.  They are taking people's purses from a middle school while the owner is at show choir practice.  Why?  Because they feel like going on a shopping spree at Target.  What is so important that you need at Target?  A new Wii?  Some fly kicks? Candy?  That's more than being a normal teenage asshole.  That's being a disrespectful, ignorant fool.  A fool that will get caught.  A fool that has now made a negative name for himself with law enforcement--a name that will follow him forever.  All for a shopping spree.  

So to kids, I say this:  It's okay to be an asshole.  It's a part of life.  Your mom did it.  Your dad did it.  I did it.  But there is a line.  Throw your tantrums, iron your brothers but NEVER disrespect anyone: elders, adults, children or peers.  Because disrespect harbors ignorance and stupidity and opens the door to a whole lot of hurt.  Disrespect is what is going to cause humanity to fail.  ALWAYS show respect, ALWAYS show remorse and ALWAYS learn from your mistakes.  If things continue the way they are, this world is going to be a very scary place.  Why let that happen?  Fix it with respect.

To adults, I say this:  Let your kids be assholes.  It's a part of life.  You did it.  Your spouse did it.  And now your child is doing it.  But there is a line.  Let them throw their tantrums, don't really let them iron their brothers and NEVER let them disrespect anyone.  Never let them see you disrespecting anyone.  Kids are sponges, they watch you like hawks.  Be the kind of person you want them to be. If you are disrespectful, your child will be disrespectful.  If you don't achieve your goals, your child won't achieve their goals.  Teach them to always show respect, always say they're sorry and MAKE them learn from their mistakes.  Guilt trip them, enforce punishments, be strong.  Because as much as it sucks, they remember.  They learn.  I did (and I tried to iron my brother).  

Society is on a downward spiral.  It's getting scary and it's getting scary fast.  I've cracked the case.  I've found the cure.  All we need is a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

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